Leverage the power of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality


What is Augument/Virtual Reality and how does it work?

AR enables user to add layers of digital information on to the physical world.

Consider purchasing a couch/sofa for your living room - AR solutions allows to personalise the space by enabling to try few variations of couch (colour, shape etc) and also different positions over layer on the physical world. Be it virtually placing couch to your living room to 3D tours of buildings and spaces.

AR can also enables users to give a personal touch to the published or online content that they "augment" with the little help of customized smart phone apps and the markers which provide extra information. Similarly, with a personalized headset and VR solutions, VR enthusiasts can travel to the place of their dreams, attend their favourite sport game or experience certain emotions in their body, mind and soul as if those events are happening not only in front of them, but also to them.

AR and VR has become increasingly advantageous in various fields like Education, Medical, Commercial, Military, Tourism, Maintenance & Repair and Gaming - overall helping consumers in day to day life as well as in advance life changing events. It is estimated that virtual and augmented reality will cause the disruption in business models as they are the fourth major platform shift after PC, web and mobile devices.


How can Mindglow help with your Virtual Reality project?

Mindglow with our rich innovation team, builds customer specific AR, VR and Mixed Reality solutions to influence needs of the consumers.

We use the latest technology & innovations to bring creative ideas to life in AR & VR.

A convincing AR and VR applications require more than just graphics. Both hearing and vision are central to a person’s sense of space.

Our team also expertise in bringing finesse binaural audio to provide a miraculous "out of the world" experience


How It Works

  • Consult

    This is where we sit down, grab a cup of coffee and dial in the details.

  • Create

    The time has come to bring those ideas and plans to life.

  • Develop

    Whether through commerce or just an experience to tell your brand.

  • Release

    Now that your brand is all dressed up and ready to party.

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